WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ — Today, The United States and Colombia signed the U.S.–Colombia Environmental Cooperation Agreement (ECA). Together with the Environment Chapter of the U.S.–Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA), the ECA will strengthen the ties between the United States and Colombia by creating new opportunities to work together to protect the environment and conserve natural resources.
The ECA establishes a framework for environmental cooperation and will help ensure that trade and environmental policies are mutually supportive.
The ECA also provides for a new Environmental Cooperation Commission, a policy-level body that will oversee the implementation of the Agreement. The Commission will define a work program to establish specific goals, objectives, and areas for cooperation that are reflective of both countries’ national environmental priorities.
The United States and Colombia look forward to sustained environmental cooperation under the ECA.
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Environmental Cooperation Agreement signed by U.S. and Columbia to Conserve Natural Resources by Christopher Simmons sourced from: eNewsChannels - US Business, Politics and Tech News . © 2013 the Neotrope® News Network.