WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ — Today, the U.S. Department of State recognized the “World Water Day” (March 22, 2013) with the following statement from John Kerry, Secretary of State: “Global growth and climate change are placing ever greater stress on our planet’s most precious shared resource: Water.”
Over the next 10 years many countries will experience water problems – shortages, poor water quality, or floods – that will create instability and increase regional tensions. Some states will struggle to produce food and generate energy, risking global food markets, and weakening economic growth.
Water is also fundamental to our diplomatic and development goals – including health, economic growth, food security, gender equality, and conflict mitigation. We know that when managed well, water allows economies to thrive and children to grow up healthy. Water can also build peaceful cooperation between neighbors.
Water security requires global cooperation to ensure people have the water they need, where they need it, when they need it, reliably and sustainably. That’s why we’re bringing together the best of American knowledge and ingenuity to scale-up integrative water solutions around the world.
On this World Water Day, the United States remains steadfast in our commitment to achieving a water-secure future, and we invite other nations to partner with us to save water and save lives.
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U.S. Observes World Water Day 2013 by Christopher Simmons sourced from: eNewsChannels - US Business, Politics and Tech News . © 2013 the Neotrope® News Network.